I've been pretty busy the past month; working on commissions, teaching, getting ready for a solo show, and getting a few boss illustration assignments, so unfortunately that means a lonely, unattended blog. I figured an image dump and and some corresponding ramblings would make up for lost time. So let's get started with a few commissions and odds & ends pieces:
The last two images were scans of a practice drawing that I did in preparation for a Halloween illustration that I'm working on. I've reintroduced graphite into my image-making arsenal, and wanted to combine that with some of the painterly work I've been doing lately. I started out with a graphite underdrawing, fixed it, then built up my value range further with ink and added glazes of subtle gouache color for emphasis in some key areas. The next piece is gonna be a badass and a half to draw.

This is an illustration I did about a month ago for This Land Press, once again under the art direction of Jeremy Luther. It was for an article about the band Tesla. Given that hair bands were the central subject matter, it was an excuse to come up with some ideas including these:
And this was my color reference:
This a quick drawing I made for the Ten Paces and Draw blog. It's a fun sketch swap blog where illustrators take each other's roughs and bring them to finish. I had the joy of working from Pawel Mildner's hilarious sketch (it's probably not so funny if you're a dog lover...).
Finally, last week I spent some time with Occupy Memphis during their first few days in the Civic Plaza downtown. I went with the intention of asking what it was all about and doing some sketches. Fast forward to three nights of camping and occupation later, and I collected a nice little set of images from my time with the demonstrators. I tried to capture as much conversation as I could without the luxury of an audio recorder, but I'm happiest with how things developed visually.
I plan to return to the occupation soon to see how things have developed.