Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Finished(?) Posters, Comics, and...Nien Numb?

I finished working out the designs for the travel posters, and at this point working on some anal-retentive fine tuning. I found a solution for the previously mentioned crappy font, and I made a few adjustments to the color scheme. By adjustments, I mean that there's another frickin' version. Here they are:

I've also finished working on the inking for my promotional mini-comic, and I'm working to get snazzy covers made for it.

While I was working on the last page, my friend Cody made the keen observation about the resemblance of my self-caricature and a creature from the Star Wars universe. After a quick Wikipedia search and a call to an "expert" on the subject, we found that the alien in question was part of a race called the Nien Numb. It was a little disconcerting how close the resembance was, but you can check it out for yourself:

Friday, February 15, 2008

Works in Progress and Image Dumping

So I've got some follow-ups to my previous post about the travel poster. I'm almost finished, but I've got the two major problems that have yet to be resolved. The first is the wonky-assed text that I used for the design that looked cooler as a sketch, but for some reason didn't translate well into vector... The second problem is the color scheme, which I kind of solved by adjusting the color balance to get some of that visual-unity jazz. Here's what I got so far:

The first version...

...and the color-adjusted one.

I've also got a few new sketches, some from my drawing workshop class that I'm taking this semester, some for fun, and a few Photoshop scraps that were taking up space on my hard drive.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Getting Up to Speed...

This blogging thing is becoming quite the hassle with the location change and all! But like in the real world, moving to a new space can be rough at first, but in the end it's (hopefully) for the best.
I guess I should start showing some images at this point to emphasize that I am still alive, well, and more importantly, working. The first two sketches are for my computer graphics class. Art deco-style travel posters are the name of the game here, and I've got nothing but San Diego on my mind, well at least the awesome public transit there...

The next sketches are part of a project that will involve large scale drawing based on sketchbook entries. This will be a daunting task because:
a) I love working in sketchbooks... more so than finished work sometimes.
b) And I realize sketchbooks are small. Sometimes REALLY small.

This kind of project is gonna require a lot of "raw material" to fill out the sheets of paper that I'm using (30" by 44"). Here are few doodles:

More to come soon.