Last week, I got the news from the School of Visual Arts in New York that I was accepted in their MFA Illustration as Visual Essay program. You bet your ass I'm excited- not as much about having to rearrange my entire life to be able take advantage of this opportunity, but it will be worth the effort. I've admittedly made previous posts about my failed attempts to escape Memphis relocation plans that didn't quite pan out, so I'm being cautious about gloating too much about this new development. Exciting times...

I made this piece a few days ago. It's an illustration based on the book “Kafka on the Shore” by Haruki Murakami. It's from the chapter that introduces a mysterious being that takes on the form of Johnnie Walker (of the namesake brand of whiskey). His appearance marks the first major occurrence of bloodshed in the novel, and there are parts that are sure to bring any cat-lover to tears (I’ll spare any further details for anyone that may be reading…). I want to make more illustrations for this story if time allows as it was an absolute pleasure to read.